Selected Publications
- Multiphoton microscopy of the dermoepidermal junction and automated identification of dysplastic tissues with deep learning, M.J. Huttunen, R. Hristu, A. Dumitru, I. Floroiu, M. Costache, S.G. Stanciu*, Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 186-199 (2020)
- Editorial: Advances in Label Free Tissue Imaging with Laser Scanning Microscopy Techniques, S.G. Stanciu*, C. Silien, P. Bianchini, Frontiers in Physics, (2020)
- Characterization of Nanomaterials by Locally Determining their Complex Permittivity with Scattering-Type Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy, S.G. Stanciu*, D.E. Tranca, L .Pastorino, S. Boi, Y.M. Song, Y.J. Yoo; S. Ishii; R. Hristu; F. Yang, G. Busetti, G.A. Stanciu, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3 (2), 1250-1262 (2020)
- Multiphoton Microscopy of Oral Tissues: Review, R.M Martínez-Ojeda, M.D Pérez-Cárceles, L.C Ardelean, S.G. Stanciu*, J.M Bueno*, 8:128, Frontiers in Physics (2020)
- Surface optical characterization at nanoscale using phasor representation of data acquired by scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy, D.E. Tranca, S.G. Stanciu, L. Latterini, R. Hristu, G.A. Stanciu, Applied Surface Science, 509, 145347 (2020)
- The effect of elasticity on the phagocytosis of micro/nanoparticles, A. Wu, C. Yao, O. Akakuru, S. G. Stanciu, N. Hampp; Y. Jin, J. Zheng, G. Chen, F. Yang, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 8, 2381-2392 (2020)
- HISTOBREAST, A Collection of Brightfield Microscopy Images of Haematoxylin – Eosin Stained Breast Tissue, R.M. Buga, T. Totu, A. Dumitru, M. Costache, I. Floroiu, N. Sladoje, S.G. Stanciu*, Scientific Data, 7, 169 (2020)
- BIAFLOWS: A collaborative framework to benchmark and deploy bioimage analysis workflows, U. Rubens, R. Mormont, V. Baecker, G. Michiels, L. Paavolainen, G. Ball, D. Ünay, B. Pavie, A. Chessel, L. A. Scholz, M. Maška, R. Hoyoux, R. Vandaele, S.G. Stanciu, O. Golani, N. Sladoje, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, R. Marée, S. Tosi, Patterns, 1, 100040 (2020)
- STED nanoscopy of KK114-stained pathogenic bacteria,M. Lucidi, R. Hristu, L. Nichele, G.A. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, A.M. Holban, P. Visca, S.G. Stanciu*, G. Cincotti, Journal of Biophotonics, 13(9) e202000097 (2020) (ARTICLE FEATURED ON THE JOURNAL COVER)
- Large-Area Virus Coated Ultra-Thin Colorimetric Sensors with a Highly Lossy Resonant Promoter for Enhanced Chromaticity, Y.J. Yoo, W-G. Kim, J.H. Ko, Y.J. Kim, Y. Lee, S.G. Stanciu, J.-M. Lee, J-W. Oh, Y.M. Song, Advanced Science, 7(18) 2000978, (2020) (ARTICLE FEATURED ON THE JOURNAL COVER BACKPAGE)
- Objective analysis on collagen organization in thyroid nodule capsules using second harmonic generation microscopy, J.M. Bueno, F. Avila, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, L. Eftimie, G.A. Stanciu, Applied Optics, in press (2020)
- A magnetically switchable mechano-chemotherapeutic nanomaterial for fighting drug-resistant tumour cells, C. Yao, F. Yang, L. Sun, Y. Ma, S.G. Stanciu, Z. Li, C. Liu, O. Udochukwu Akakuru, L. Xu, N. Hampp, H. Lu, Aiguo Wu, Nano Today, 35, 100967, (2020)
- A macrocyclic tetra-undecyl calix [4] resorcinarene thin film receptor for chemical vapour sensor applications, S Şen, F Davis, R Çapan, Z Özbek, ME Özel, GA Stanciu, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 1-11, (2020)
- Recent Trends in Optical and Mechanical Characterization of Nanomaterials, Frontiers in Chemistry, S.G. Stanciu, L. Latterini and C.A. Charitidis, accepted for publication
- SSNOMBACTER: A collection of scattering-type Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy images of bacterial cells, in revision at GigaScience
- Precisely tuning the contrast properties of ZnxFe3-xO4 nanoparticles in magnetic resonance imaging by controlling their doping contents and sizes, Y. Ma, J. Xia, C. Yao, F. Yang, S.G. Stanciu, P. Li, Y. Jin, T. Chen, J. Zheng, G. Chen, H. Yang, L. Luo, A. Wu, Chemistry of Materials 31 (18), 7255-7264 (2019)
- Strategies for optimizing the determination of second order nonlinear susceptibility tensor coefficients for collagen in histological samples, B. Paun, R. Hristu, S. G. Stanciu, A. V. Dumitru, M. Costache and G. A. Stanciu, IEEE Access , vol. 7, pp. 135210-135219 (2019)
- Growth Mechanisms and the Effects of Deposition Parameters on the Structure and Properties of High Entropy Film by Magnetron Sputtering, Y. Liang, P. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Dai, Z. Hu, D.E. Tranca, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, A. Toma, G.A. Stanciu, X. Wang, E. Fu, Materials, 12(18), 3008 (2019)
- Quantitative Multiphoton Microscopy in Cancer Research: Characterization of Nodule Capsule in Thyroid Pathology, R. Hristu, L.G. Eftimie, B. Paun, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, G.A. Stanciu, Imaging & Microscopy, 21(11), 18-19 (2019)
- Comparison of Vacancy Sink Efficiency of Cu/V and Cu/Nb Interfaces by the Shared Cu Layer, Huaqiang Chen, Jinlong Du, Yanxia Liang, Peipei Wang, Jinchi Huang, Jian Zhang, Yunbiao Zhao, Xingjun Wang, Xianfeng Zhang, Yuehui Wang, George A Stanciu, Engang Fu, Huaqiang Chen, Jinlong Du, Yanxia Liang, Peipei Wang, Jinchi Huang, Jian Zhang, Yunbiao Zhao, Xingjun Wang, Xianfeng Zhang, Yuehui Wang, George A Stanciu, Engang Fu, Materials, 12,16., 2628 (2019)
- Preparations of Silver/Montmorillonite Biocomposite Multilayers and Their Antifungal Activity, Simona L. Iconaru, A. Groza, G. E Stan, D. Predoi, S. Gaiaschi, R. Trusca, C.M. Chifiriuc, L. Marutescu, T. Tite, G. A Stanciu, R. Hristu, L. Ghegoiu, M. L. Badea, C. S. Turculet, M. Ganciu, P. Chapon, Coatings, 9, 12,817 (2019)
- Langmuir–Blodgett film properties of based on calix [4] resorcinarene and the detection of those against volatile organic compounds S Şen, R Çapan, Z Özbek, ME Özel, GA Stanciu, F Davis, Applied Physics A 125 (11), 752
- Calix [4] amine Langmuir-Blodgett thin film sensing properties against volatile organic compounds, S Şen, R Çapan, Z Özbek, ME Özel, GA Stanciu, F Davis
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1186 (1), 012011
- Nanoscale mapping of refractive index by using scattering-type Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy, D.E. Tranca, S.G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, B.M. Witgen, and G.A. Stanciu, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 14(1), 47-50 (2018)
- Investigations on the elasticity of functional gold nanoparticles using single-molecule force spectroscopy, L. Sun, R. Riedel, S.G. Stanciu, F. Yang, N. Hampp, L. Xu, A. Wu, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 6 (19), 2960-2971 (2018)
- An objective scoring framework for histology slide image mosaics applicable for the reliable benchmarking of image quality assessment algorithms, T. Totu, R.M. Buga, A. Dumitru, M. Costache,N. Sladoje, S.G. Stanciu, IEEE Access, in press
- An evaluation on the robustness of five popular keypoint descriptors to image modifications specific to laser scanning microscopy, D. Unay, S.G. Stanciu, IEEE Access, 6, 40154-40164 (2018)
- Modern methods to differentiate benign thyroid nodules from malignant ones, L Eftimie, R Hristu, M Dumitrescu, M Costache, SG Stanciu, M Sajin, GA Stanciu, Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, 121(1), 40-45 (2018)
- Quantitative second harmonic generation microscopy for the structural characterization of capsular collagen in thyroid neoplasms, R. Hristu, L. Eftimie, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, B. Paun, M. Sajin, G.A. Stanciu, Biomedical Optics Express, 9(8), 3923-3936 (2018)
- A Study on Image Quality in Polarization Resolved Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy, S.G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, F.J. Avila, J.M. Bueno, Scientific Reports, 15476, 2017
- Correlative Imaging of Biological Tissues with Apertureless Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, R. Hristu and G.A. Stanciu, Biomedical Optics Express, 8 (12), 5374-5383 (2017)
- Identification of Stacking Faults in Silicon Carbide by Polarization-Resolved Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, E.K. Polychroniadis, G.A. Stanciu, Scientific Reports, 7, 4870 (2017)
- Improved quantification of collagen anisotropy with polarization-resolved second harmonic generation microscopy, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, G.A. Stanciu, Journal of Biophotonics, 10(9), 1171-1179 (2017)
- Combined Far-field, Near-field and Topographic Imaging of Nano-Engineered Polyelectrolyte Capsules, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, C. Ruggiero, G.A. Stanciu, A. Antipov, R. Hristu, L. Pastorino, Materials Letters, 183, 105-1028 (2016)
- Perspectives on Combining Nonlinear Laser Scanning Microscopy and Bag-Of-Features Data Classification Strategies for Automated Disease Diagnostics, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, G.A. Stanciu, R. Hristu, J.M. Bueno, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(6), 1-13, (2016)
- Embedding Complementary Imaging Data in Laser Scanning Microscopy Micrographs by Reversible Watermarking, I.-C. Dragoi, S.G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, H.-G. Coanda, D.E. Tranca, M. Popescu and Dinu Coltuc, Biomedical Optics Express, 7, 1127-1137 (2016)
- Towards Imaging Skin Cancer by Apertureless Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy, S.G. Stanciu, M. Costache, D.E. Tranca, R. Hristu, M. Popescu, G.A. Stanciu, UPB Scientific Bulletin: Series A – Applied Mathematics and Physics, 78(2), 235-244 (2016)
- A comparative study of corrosion inhibitors on hot-dip galvanized steel, I.A. Kartsonakis, S.G.Stanciu, A. Matei, R. Hristu, A. Karantonis, C.A. Charitidis, Corrosion Science, 112, 289-307 (2016)
- Amplitude and Phase Reconstruction Issues in Scattering Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy, D. Tranca, S.G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, C. Stoichita, G.A. Stanciu, University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series A-Applied Mathematics and Physics, 78 (3) , 253-262 (2016)
- Mapping Electron Beam Injected Trapped Charge with Scattering Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy, D.E. Tranca, E. Ortiga, G. Saavedra, M. Martínez-Corral, S. A. M. Tofail, S.G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, G. A. Stanciu, Optics Letters, 41, 1046-1049 (2016)
- Nanoscale Mapping of Dielectric Function by scattering Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy, D.E. Tranca, S.G. Stanciu, R.Hristu, C. Stoichita, S. A. M. Tofail and G.A. Stanciu, Imaging and Microscopy, 18 (1), 40-42 (2016)
- High-resolution quantitative determination of dielectric function by using scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy, Tranca, D. E., S. G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, C. Stoichita, S. A. M. Tofail, and G. A. Stanciu, Scientific reports, 5, 11876, (2015).
- Contrast Enhancement Influences the Detection of Gradient Based Local Invariant Features and the Matching of Their Descriptors, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, D. Coltuc, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 32, pp. 246-256 (2015)
- Evaluation of the protective ability of typical corrosion inhibitors for magnesium alloys towards the Mg ZK30 variant, I.A. Kartsonakis, S.G.Stanciu, A. Matei, E.K. Karaxi, R. Hristu, A. Karantonis, C.A. Charitidis, Corrosion Science, vol. 100, pp. 194-208, (2015)
- Corrosion resistance appraisal of TiN, TiCN and TiAlN coatings deposited by CAE-PVD method on WC–Co cutting tools exposed to artificial sea water, Matei, A. A., Pencea, I., Branzei, M., Trancă, D. E., Ţepeş, G., Sfăt, C. E., … & Stanciu, G. A., Applied Surface Science, 358, 572-578, (2015)
- Electron beam influence on the carbon contamination of electron irradiated hydroxyapatite thin films, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, D.E. Tranca, and G. A. Stanciu. , Applied Surface Science 346, 342-347, (2015).
- Structural characterization and adhesion appraisal of TiN and TiCN coatings deposited by CAE-PVD technique on a new carbide composite cutting tool, A.A. Matei, I. Pencea, S.G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, I. Antoniac, E. Ciovica, C.E.Sfat, G.A. Stanciu, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2015, 29 (23), 2576-2589, (2015)
- Experimenting Liver Fibrosis Diagnostic by Two Photon Excitation Microscopy and Bag-of-Features Image Classification, S.G. Stanciu, S. Xu, Q. Peng, J. Yan, G. A. Stanciu , R. E. Welsch, P.T.C. So, G. Csucs, H. Yu, Scientific Reports, 4, 4636, (2014)
- Nonlinear optical imaging of defects in cubic silicon carbide epilayers, R. Hristu, S. G. Stanciu, D. E. Tranca, A. A. Matei, and G. A. Stanciu. Scientific reports 4, 5258, (2014).
- A study on the image contrast of pseudo-heterodyned scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy, D.E. Tranca, C. Stoichita, R. Hristu, S.G. Stanciu, and G.A. Stanciu, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 1687-1696, (2014).
- Surface charge and carbon contamination on an electron beam irradiated hydroxyapatite thin film investigated by photoluminescence and phase imaging in atomic force microscopy, R. Hristu, D. E. Tranca, S. G. Stanciu, M. Gregor, T. Plecenik, M. Truchly, T. Roch, S. A. M. Tofail and G. A. Stanciu, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20 (2), 586-595, (2014)
- Gas Sensing Properties of Porphyrin Thin Films Influenced by Their Surface Morphologies, I. Çapan, M. Erdoğan, B. Güner, B. İlhan, S. G. Stanciu, R. Hristu, and G. A. Stanciu. Sensor Letters 12, no. 8 (2014): 1218-.
- Efficiency of Vanilla, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils Stabilized by Iron Oxide@ C14 Nanostructures against Bacterial Adherence and Biofilms Formed by Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae Clinical StrainsM. Bilcu, A..M. Grumezescu, A. E. Oprea, R. C. Popescu, G. D. Mogoșanu, R. Hristu, G. A. Stanciu, D.F. Mihailescu, V. Lazar, E. Bezirtzoglou, M.C. Chifiriuc, Molecules 19, no. 11: 17943-17956, (2014) .
- Matching DSIFT Descriptors Extracted from CSLM Images, Stanciu S.G., D. Coltuc, D.E. Tranca and G.A. Stanciu, Engineering, 5 (10B), pp. 199-202, (2013)
- Investigations at nanoscale by using fluorescence in apertureless scanning near field microscopy, G.A. Stanciu, D.E Tranca, R. Hristu, C. Stoichita, S.G Stanciu, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, art. no. 6602836, (2013).
- M.C Chifiriuc, A.M. Grumezescu, C. Saviuc, R. Hristu, V. Grumezescu, C. Bleotu, G.A. Stanciu, D.E Mihaiescu, E. Andronescu, V. Lazar, R. Radulescu, Magnetic nanoparticles for controlling in vitro fungal biofilms
Current Organic Chemistry, 17 (10), pp. 1023-1028, (2013)
- Non-linear characterizations of surface charge and interfacial morphology, Lang, S.B., Stanciu, G.A., Stanciu, S.G., , RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, pp. 45-62., (2012)
- Two-photon excited photoluminescence of photonic quantum ring laser structures, Hristu, R., Stanciu, S.G., Kao, F.-J., Stanciu, G.A., Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 107 (1), pp. 97-101., (2012)
- Influence of atomic force microscopy acquisition parameters on thin film roughness analysis, Hristu, R., Stanciu, S.G., Stanciu, G.A., Çapan, I., Güner, B., Erdoǧan, M., Microscopy Research and Technique, 75 (7), pp. 921-927., (2012)
- Hybrid nanomaterial for stabilizing the antibiofilm activity of eugenia carryophyllata essential oil, Grumezescu, A.M., Chifiriuc, M.C., Saviuc, C., Grumezescu, V., Hristu, R., Mihaiescu, D.E., Stanciu, G.A., Andronescu, E.,
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 11 (4), art. no. 6290401, pp. 360-365, (2012).
- Growth of CdS nanoparticles in Y- and Z-type Langmuir-Blodgett thin film using 1,3-bis-(p-iminobenzoic acid) indane, Uzunoglu, T., Sari, H., Capan, R., Namli, H., Turhan, O., Stanciu, G.A., Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 23 (11), pp. 1998-2004., (2012).
- The interaction between the gas sensing and surface morphology properties of LB thin films of porphyrins in terms of the adsorption kinetics, Capan, I., Erdogan, M., Stanciu, G.A., Stanciu, S.G., Hristu, R., Göktepe, M.,
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 136 (2-3), pp. 1130-1136., (2012).
- Imaging of photonic quantum ring lasers by using optical beam induced current microscopy, Hristu, R., Stanciu, G.A., UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics, 74 (2), pp. 123-130., (2012)
- Influence of Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy specific acquisition parameters on the detection and matching of Speeded-Up Robust Features,, Stanciu, S.G., Hristu, R., Stanciu, G.A., Ultramicroscopy, 111 (5), pp. 364-374, (2011)
- Digital image inpainting and microscopy imaging,, Stanciu, S.G., Hristu, R., Stanciu, G.A., Microscopy Research and Technique, 74 (11), pp. 1049-1057, (2011)
- The influence of the surface morphologies of Langmuir Blodgett (LB) thin films of porphyrins on their gas sensing properties, Ayci, D., Stanciu, S.G., Çapan, I., Erdoan, M., Güner, B., Hristu, R., Stanciu, G.A., Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 158 (1), pp. 62-68., (2011)
- Optical beam induced current microscopy of photonic quantum ring lasers,, Hristu, R., Stanciu, S.G., Wu, S.J., Kao, F.-J., Kwon, O’D., Stanciu, G.A., Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 103 (3), pp. 653-657, (2011)
- Electrochemical stability and surface analysis in evaluation fluoride effect on new bioalloy Ti7Al3V2Mo2Fe used in dentistry,, Ionita, D., Prodana, M., Demetrescu, I., Stanciu, S.G., Stanciu, G.A., Materials and Corrosion, 62 (12), pp. 1111-1116, (2011)
- Inhibitory activity of Fe 3O 4/oleic acid/usnic acid – Core/shell/extra-shell nanofluid on S. aureus biofilm development, Grumezescu, A.M., Saviuc, C., Chifiriuc, M.C., Hristu, R., Mihaiescu, D.E., Balaure, P., Stanciu, G., Lazar, V., IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 10 (4), art. no. 6096421, pp. 269-274, (2011).
- Hybrid nanosystem for stabilizing essential oils in biomedical applications, Saviuc, C., Grumezescu, A.M., Chifiriuc, C.M., Mihaiescu, D.E., Hristu, R., Stanciu, G., Oprea, E., Radulescu, V., Lazar, V., Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 6 (4), pp. 1657-1666, (2011)
- Improving the properties of CdS nanoparticles by adding polymers, Peretz, S., Anghel, D.F., Teodor, E., Stanciu, G., Stoian, C., Zgherea, G., Florea-Spiroiu, M., Particulate Science and Technology, 29 (3), pp. 229-241, (2011)
- Sum-modified-Laplacian Fusion Methods experimented on image stacks of photonic quantum ring laser devices collected by confocal scanning laser microscopy,, Stanciu, S.G., Drãgulinescu, M., Stanciu, G.A., UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics, 73 (2), pp. 139-146, (2011)
- On the suitability of SIFT technique to deal with image modifications specific to confocal scanning laser microscopy, Stanciu, S.G., Hristu, R., Boriga, R., Stanciu, G.A., Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16 (5), pp. 515-530, (2010).
- Automated compensation of light attenuation in confocal microscopy by exact histogram specification,, Stanciu, S.G., Stanciu, G.A., Coltuc, D., Microscopy Research and Technique, 73 (3), pp. 165-175, (2010)
- Two photon emission and nonlinear optical imaging of acetonitrile-treated quasi-spherical nanoscale PbS systems,, Dutta, N., Mohanta, D., Ahmed, G.A., Choudhury, A., Hristu, R., Stanciu, S.G., Stanciu, G.A., IEEE Photonics Journal, 2 (6), art. no. 5639024, pp. 1060-1068, (2010)
- Structural and optical properties of Mn doped ZnS semiconductor nanostructures,, Gogoi, D.P., Ahmed, G.A., Mohanta, D., Choudhury, A., Stanciu, G.A., Indian Journal of Physics, 84 (10), pp. 1361-1367, (2010)
- Characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett films of a calix[8]arene and sensing properties towards volatile organic vapors, Çapan, R., Özbek, Z., Göktaş, H., Şen, S., Önce, F.G., Özel, M.E., Stanciu, G.A., Davis, F., Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 148 (2), pp. 358-365, (2010).
- The inhibitory activity of pomelo essential oil on the bacterial biofilms development on soft contact lenses., Saviuc, C., Dascǎlu, L., Chifiriuc, M.C., Rǎdulescu, V., Oprea, E., Popa, M., Hristu, R., Stanciu, G., Lazǎr, V., Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunology, 69 (3), pp. 145-152, (2010).
- Evaluation of biocompatibility and bioactivity for polymethyl methacrylate – bioactive glass nanocomposite films obtained bymatrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation,, Floroian, L., Mihailescu, I., Sima, F., Stanciu, G., Savu, B., UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics, 72 (2), pp. 133-148, (2010).
- CdS nanocrystals for laser scanning microscopy,, Savu, B., Peretz, S., Stanciu, G.A., Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 4 (4), pp. 453-456, (2010)
- Cadmium sulphide nanoparticles embedded in polymeric matrices, Peretz, S., Sava, B., Elisa, M., Stanciu, G., Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11 (12), pp. 2108-2114, (2009)
- Detector array incorporated optical scattering instrument for nephelometric measurements on small particles, Gogoi, A., Borthakur, L.J., Choudhury, A., Stanciu, G.A., Ahmed, G.A., Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (9), art. no. 095901, (2009)
- In vitro susceptibility of Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et. al. to Citrus maxima essential oil.,, Mǎruţescu, L., Saviuc, C., Oprea, E., Savu, B., Bucur, M., Stanciu, G., Chifiriuc, M.C., Lazǎr, V., Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunology, 68 (4), pp. 223-227, (2009)
- Construction of a multidetector array incorporated laser-based scattering system for ultrafine TiO2 characterization, Gogoi, A., Choudhury, A., Stanciu, G.A., Ahmed, G.A., Journal of Optics (India), 38 (2), pp. 67-74, (2009)
- Nanostructured bioglass thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition: CSLM, FTIR investigations and in vitro biotests, Floroian, L., Savu, B., Stanciu, G., Popescu, A.C., Sima, F., Mihailescu, I.N., Mustata, R., Sima, L.E., Petrescu, S.M., Tanaskovic, D., Janackovic, Dj., Applied Surface Science, 255 (5 PART 2), pp. 3056-3062, (2008)
- AFM examination of sol-gel matrices doped with photosensitizers,, Wysocka, K., Ulatowska-Jarza, A., Bauer, J., HoŁowacz, I., Savu, B., Stanciu, G., Podbielska, H., Optica Applicata, 38 (1), pp. 127-136, (2008)